"Zeal without knowledge is fire without light."
- Thomas Fuller

"The public do not know enough to be experts, yet know enough to decide between them."
- Samuel Butler    

What is knowledge?

Knowledge is most important to every human being. From born to death knowledge is surrounded us to provide new information. Not only human being, all other living creatures of our earth gathering knowledge for living. So, without gathering knowledge our life will not be 100% pure. Everyday we gather new kinds of knowledge either willingly or unwillingly and that knowledge makes us to live more perfectly than previous days, months or years. Read the quotes below to understand regarding knowledge
more broadly:

  1. Knowledge generates knowledge through the use of reasoning or inference (both by humans and machines).
  2. Knowledge is a human ability and not an object’s aspect, as for example, a book. Its transmission involves an intellectual process of education and learning. To transmit information is easy, more than to transmit knowledge. This entails that when we talk about knowledge managing, we mean that we help people to carry out this activity.
  3. Knowledge has no value if it remains static. It only generates value while moving, that is to say, when it’s being transmitted or converted.
  4. Knowledge is always slave of a context. So, to its transmission is necessary that addresser (teacher) knows the context or model of the addressee’s (trainee) world.

(All the above quotes collected from: http://www.daedalus.es/en/business-intelligence/knowledge-management/what-is-knowledge/

In this blog I want to spread my little knowledge to my audiences who are also like me...The Novice in some Applications or Programming Languages. I believe the knowledge is not for keeping just for me, it should be spread to other person(s) who has interest to learn. That's why I've decided to create this blog. if one of the audiences is benefited from this site, I will be more than enough happy and feel succeeded.

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